What a year it has been! As I sit here and reflect where I was 12 months ago and all that has happened, my head starts to spin. This time last year I was living in my old house, getting ready to move and let go of my one security in life, so that I could step in to my future and all of the adventures that came with it.
My old house had been the first property I owned on my own and the very first house I ever lived in that felt 100% safe and secure. As a result, even though I should have moved years earlier, I clung to it like a security blanket. Suddenly one day last year I made the decision to sell, and after that happened, there was no turning back. So as I packed up my home and sold so many of my possessions, I finally felt free. Free to step in to my new reality.
The move itself was an ordeal, because the movers I had booked didn’t turn up and the new owner of the house was moving in as I was trying to move out with the help of some people I found to help me at the last minute. With such a massive change in lifestyle, it took a little while to adjust, but I am so glad I took the leap of faith. I have minimal possessions, but I have everything I need and have never been happier.
With the move complete, it was time to focus on career. Working hard, with no distractions, it was a fantastic year. I took greater steps towards the career I want. I have always loved what I do, but felt the need to develop my skills and take on new challenges. I’m hosting and MCing more, and still modelling for all of my awesome clients. I have also dipped my toe in to the pool that it the US. That part of my year right there was MASSIVE.
To get on a plane and head to a city you don’t really know is a daunting thing. To do it on your own is down right scary. I took another leap of faith, and had the most amazing time. The first trip, I cemented friendships that I’d had for a while, but not had a chance to focus on, and in the process, made new ones. The second trip was different again. I had a very clear plan of how that trip would go. Needless to say, the universe always has it’s own plans.
I had so many personal breakthroughs on that trip. One particular friendship came to be, and I feel so lucky to have that woman in my life. I fell in love with a city that I didn’t think I would even like that much, and I can’t wait to get back over there.
I have worked with some amazing charities that I am extremely passionate about, and there’s so much more to come in the next 12 months. Even though things can be difficult in my life at times, I realised a few years ago that no matter how difficult things may seem, I have a roof over my head, food in my belly and so much more to be thankful for. I’m doing ok, and feel like my way of saying thankyou to the universe is by giving back.
In learning so much about myself, I have finally been able to free myself of some toxic people in my life, and feel so much lighter since I have done it. I used to feel obligated to put up with certain people regardless of their treatment of me. I finally freed myself of that thinking, and that was life changing. Others have come and gone from my life, but that’s the nature of things. People come in to our lives for a reason, a season or a lifetime. I’m so excited about the ones that seem to be here for the long haul, but recently having a hard time I was lucky to have some phenomenal people around me, I had a moment when I realised just how many AMAZING people I have in my life. That right there is enough to bring a smile to the saddest face.
The lessons I have learnt this year are about letting go. Letting go of my expectations of how a situation will play out, letting go of things that no longer serve me, letting go of anger, letting go of people and letting go of fear. Basically I have had to learn that there are things I can control and manifest to a point, the rest of it I need to let go of and trust what the universe has planned. I haven’t quite perfected the art of it all, but I’m getting there.
I like who I was and where I was one year ago, but know that 12 months on I am a better and stronger person. Out of every bad moment I have had in the last year, something amazing has come about as a result, whether that be a personal break through, breaking of a bad habit or letting go of something and in turn something better comes in to my life, so I am grateful for every single second.
2016 is already shaping up to be a phenomenal year, with even more adventures than I had this year. I can’t wait to see what’s next!
I hope all of you have had a year that has been just as amazing!